• Call it paranoia, but it will save your life!

    There are three basic modes of motorcycling that will almost garantee 100% survival every time you sit on the saddle.

    I’m talking about “being defensive”, “making the proper decision at the right time” and “being dependable”.

    Riding defensively will prevent accidents in spite of someone else’s actions or at adverse riding conditions. Most of driving reflexes, in traffic situations, are controlled by habits a person develops. Therefore be self-critical, indentify and correct any poor habits you may have. Adopt a defensive attitude and take a reasonable precaution to prevent a mishap.

    Poor decision and bad attitude can be traced to over 95 % of all accidents. The remaining 5 % are due to mechanical problems, that can usually be prevented by a pre-trip inspection. This is when being “decisive” comes in. Take proper care of your motorbike or it will cost you a lot more.

    To be “dependable”, is the art of being consistent in your riding habits, making the correct decision and applying the proper defensive mode to traffic situations.

    Ride safe!

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